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Do you use "RA"?
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There were 3 votes since the poll was created on 18:16, 14 March 2014.
poll-id 7848B8EADB4738554694ECE56A97E063

Part of Speech

Abbreviation, Noun


[ahr ay]


RA is an abbreviation for several terms at Northwestern:

  1. Stands for "Resident Assistant". Resident Assistant [1] is an essential member of the Northwestern Residential Services Staff whose primary roles are to facilitate social, academic and personal transition of residential students to the Northwestern Community. RAs provide caring support and encouragement, as well as facilitate programs and services designed to both respond to student needs as well as to educate [2]
  2. Stands for "undergraduate research assistant" as part of URAP program
  3. Stands for "graduate research assistant" who is involved in Graduate RA Program

Example Sentences

  1. "I am an RA in Shepard Residential College."
  2. "You can apply to be an RA which is a good opportunity to get involved in undergraduate research."
  3. "I'm an RA in the Graduate Department of Linguistics."


  1. [1], Residential Assistant.
  2. [2], RA Position Description.