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Do you use "Dindabases"?
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There were 3 votes since the poll was created on 21:11, 3 June 2015.
poll-id 7F3C2BF91FCA12B10024318DD5364210

Part of Speech

Proper Noun


  1. Dindabases ['dihn da bay sihs]


This is the colloquial term used among students to refer to the EECS 339 Database Course taught by Professor Peter Dinda.


The course is infamously a harder course in the EECS department at NU. Currently it has been either taught by Professor Dinda (more often), Professor Duggan (less often), or Professor Trajcevski (rarely). The reason it is hard is because of the enormous projects that the students have to complete from scratch. However, it is a required course for a reason because you come out of it a better programmer, and you know much more about databases (perhaps more than you'll ever need to know in the real world). You can see the exact course description.here [1]

Example Sentences

"I took dindabases last quarter, the BTree lab was killer."


  1. http://eecs.northwestern.edu/eecs-339